
Pros and Cons of Online School by Aine Byrne

In an Ideal World- Bella Harris

2020: A Year of Uncertainty

Learning During a Pandemic by Ryan McEllen

Students do THIS to help them get through virtual learning?! - Shannon Furgeson

Thoughts about Virtual School by Charlie Sandgran

The New Virtual Learning is Half and Half -Stephen Matus

The Bigger Picture of Online Schooling By Alecxis Villapando

POV: distance learning from an only child- Leah Moore

A Lack of Connection-Rachael Berghahn

The Only Thing that Got Me Through the First Month of School- Katrina Furgeosn

The Struggles of School Through a Screen-Liam Gallagher

Thoughts about 2020 School Year: Oh and What a Year It's Been- Anthony Lane

The Struggles Of Online School By Devin Dean

The Car Ride to School- Maia Albuquerque

Life Through a Screen- By Alexandra Forman

New Year, New Fears - Cameron Ilavsky

My Thought About the School Year By Jake Hand

Virtual learning is completely UNDERRATED! By: Chad Wood

Virtual School Through the Eyes of a Teenager

Funny How? - A Poem By Sebastian Gomez