Thoughts about Virtual School by Charlie Sandgran

     At the beginning of summer I knew that school wasn't going to be the same as it has been my entire life. I knew that we wouldn't be able to go back at a full capacity, but I was hoping to at least be able to go to part time in a hybrid schedule. My favorite part of school was being able to hang out with my friends during and in between classes and I knew I wasn't going to be able to do that if it was virtual. 

    I didn't have a problem with online schooling last year because it all happened so quickly and everyone tried their best. I do, however, have a problem with the structure of how online schooling is set up now. They had an entire summer to make a plan that would benefit the students and teachers. Instead they created what feels like a disaster. Students only have 4 classes a day but they are an hour and five minutes long. This is way too long for anyone to stare at a computer screen. It is also almost an impossible job for the teachers to teach straight for the entire class. Teachers know that students can't listen to a lecture for over an hour and they have to try and split their lessons up and create activities to make the classes more entertaining. 

    To conclude my thoughts on online schooling, I think it should be so much better than it is right now for everyone. Everyone is struggling with it whether they have a harder time learning virtually or it is just technology problems. I think that we should try and start a hybrid schedule for the people that would rather be in school rather than wait a month and then reconsider. I really hope that we will be able to go in to school soon. 


  1. I see where you are coming from in wanting to go back to hybrid and I agree in that the classes are too long, no one can give their full attention to a screen for that long. Do you feel the same way about wanting to go back to school even though all the new cases have come out while we are completely virtual?

  2. I also hope we're in school together sooner than later. But, you did not include a byline on this post. Please add one and email me so you can get credit for your work.

  3. I agree with you Charlie.

  4. I agree that once cases calm down in Sparta, the hybrid schedule should take place because everyone is very stressed right now with strictly online.


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