Pros and Cons of Online School by Aine Byrne

    Online school is much, much different from the normal school situation. Some things I like, and some I definitely do not. I am very thankful for all the websites and different ways to learn that are available for us during these online classes, but I do think that it is much harder to learn online than in person. I know that it is necessary for our health and safety to be at home instead of in school but I cannot help but want to be in class. The main issue I have is with the wifi. I have 3 siblings on meets all day and sometimes my mom will also have zooms for work, so the wifi is really stretched thin and stops working often. I have been kicked off of many classes. I also miss seeing people in classes. Now, I only see my close friends and teammates, so I miss having talking to so many different kinds of people. 
    One great thing about online school is the wake-up time. I used to have to wake up at 6:15 to get ready and drive to the high school. Now, I wake up at 7:30, so I get much more sleep every night. Lunch is another thing that is much better at home. I can put on a show, make a really good breakfast/lunch, and relax for a full hour. Also, there is no labs taking up half of the lunch time anymore. Another upside is my comfort level during class. I can wear sweatpants and slippers and have a blanket on my lap because nobody can tell the difference. It makes the whole learning experience much more doable and comfy. I think that this is my favorite part of distance learning. 
    The new block scheduling has been a very positive change for this school year. I don't believe that it will stay when we come back to in-person learning, but I cannot help but wish for it. I don't find the longer periods to be unbearable, infact I find them very similar to the 50-minute periods. The school day as a whole is much shorter nowm which is definitely a positive change. Overall, while I do miss seeing friends and actually being able to hear my teachers without it cutting out, I am having a great time during the distance learning. 


  1. I also like the blocks and I often have a blanket on my lap! I'm glad you found the positives!

  2. I also love waking up later!!

  3. I definitely think that there is such an abundance of tools and websites we can use during this time, the wake up time is definitely nice. It’s also hard being away from people we used to see nearly every day before and getting the connection with teachers.


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