The Struggles of School Through a Screen-Liam Gallagher


          It began with what we thought was an extra week off before spring break. We all knew about COVID-19 at the time but the overall effect it would have was something no one saw coming, and for students, this was online school. There were so many unknowns that came with this new version of school when it began last year, and both the students and teachers have been tasked with figuring it out as we continue to progress with online school into this new school year. One major new factor students have had to deal with is the added level of responsibility that some hadn't dealt with before. When we began online school last year our schedules had become extremely flexible and the familiar, regimented schedules we were accustomed to were out the window. I, personally, enjoyed this new freedom as I found I worked better and was more productive when I had the ability to complete my assignments at night. I'm sure there were some who were in the same boat when it came to enjoying this flexibility on but for others, this flexibility was not something they particularly knew how to handle. As we enter this new year, though, the online school has taken a new form as the school has attempted to reintroduce that rigor we are accustomed to. 

    This new schedule this school year brings adds structure to online school we haven't seen up until this point. This schedule, though, has upped the length of periods to an hour a piece with only four classes a day instead of eight. In my opinion, this schedule has introduced a level of monotony that has only added to the drag of online school. It almost feels as if the school days are blending together and with the various distractions one can encounter while working from home, this has only made school more difficult. For now, though, all there is to do is wait and anticipate the pending reopening of school the would signify a return to some form of normalcy. 


  1. What do you think we can do to break up the monotony you're feeling?


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