Virtual School Through the Eyes of a Teenager


A year ago today, I was a freshman just starting high school for the first time. I had established my route around the school and was loving every second of high school from attending football games to dressing up for Homecoming. Fast forward 365 days to remote learning from home. When I initially found out that Sparta was attempting to let us go to school with a hybrid schedule I was disappointed that I wouldn't get to see all of my friends, but I was still grateful that I would have a chance to walk through the halls of SHS and get instruction from my teachers directly. A few weeks later Sparta announced the shift to one hundred percent virtual instruction. The thought of not seeing my peers and walking through the doors of SHS as a sophomore devastated me. 

 On September 8, we embarked on a new school year with no bus rides to school, instead, my bedroom became my classrooms. It has been very frustrating as a student in many aspects. Socially, emotionally, technically, and academically. Once again, not being able to interact with peers has been upsetting. In addition, my internet has been very slow and I have been getting disconnected from many of my meetings. This has further caused more frustration and aggravation to an already unpleasant situation. My hope academically is that I learn more this school year than I did in the Spring. I have goals to attend college and know that I need to learn many high school skills before I can think about being successful in college! I understand that teachers and students were thrown into online learning last spring and everyone tried their best but I am fearful that there may be some gaps from the spring with regard to content that I may have missed.

As an ambitious student it is just very confusing to me when peers from other towns are able to go to school by just wearing a mask, but for some reason Sparta can't do the same. My mom teaches as well and her school is back in full sessions. I would do anything to go back to school in person. I am an athlete in Sparta and I have a lot of respect for all athletes so I hope that seasons will proceed this year; however, I don't understand how people can play sports for the school but we can't go to school to get an education. Shouldn't our education be put as a number one priority ahead of sports? 

Within regards to the pandemic, we can now go out to eat at restaurants, go to sporting events, go to gyms, hangout with friends, go to amusement parks, and protests but we can't go to school with people within our own town. This baffles me. Some people have no problem gathering at protests and large events but don't feel comfortable returning to school with all of the safety precautions in place. 

Even though doing school virtually has put a strain on social interactions, I have been spending more time with my family and my two dogs. Back when we were in school my dogs would sit in their crates all day, but now they can be around people and get frequent walks which makes them happy. I have made it a routine to take my dogs for a four mile walk everyday after school. It is a win win situation. My dogs Lucky and Lulu LOVE it and I  get exercise and a break. My eyes definitely need a break from the screen and I need to get some fresh air after being cooped up at my desk all day in my room. 

I understand that there is so much uncertainty at this time, but hopefully we will be able to resume a normal education soon in the halls of Sparta High School. 


  1. I'll be honest, I cried when I got the letter that we were going all virtual. : (. It's great that you get outside and take a break! But, you need to add a byline on here and email me so you can get credit for your work.


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