
Who Had it Worst During Lockdown: A Point of View Into What Athletes Had to Endure Through COVID- Ava Mazzarella

The Keeper By Sebastian Gomez

Traditions -Maelee Moriarty

Seltzers: Ranked Worst to Best by Isabella Harris

Love By: Alexandra Forman

What Makes Us Happy - Olivia Flanz

The Struggle Is Over - Liam Gallagher

Changing the world of advertising through Tik Tok - Shannon Furgeson

Andrew Reza - Status Quo

The Perks of Being a Wallflower(movie) - Ella Collins

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year- Ryan McEllen

59,902,500: Anthony Lane

A Rhetorical Analysis of Harry Styles' "Two Ghosts"- Katrina Furgeson

2020's Holiday Season by Charlie Sandgran

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