Why Summer is Better Than Winter - Daniel Maher

Now that we're finally headed towards June, the weather is starting to really warm up and we're entering those beloved summer months. It's important now more than ever that we can begin to get outside again and feel that sense of normalcy, something we couldn't feel tucked up inside all winter. The summer has so many more advantages and things to look forward to than winter. For starters, the weather is much warmer, which means we can spend more time outside not freezing our butts off. Also, it gives us the chance to do our favorite summer activities, such as going to the beach more often or spending more time hanging out with friends or playing sports. 

     Winter doesn't really provide these advantages. The only way you're getting to a beach in a New Jersey winter, is if you take the plane trip down to Florida. The cold temperatures mean people have to spend more time inside compared to out and when that dreaded two foot snowfall comes, you have to break your back just to make sure you can get your car out of the driveway. Now sure, there are some outdoor winter sports, such as skiing and snowboarding, but to someone who's not all that interested in those activities, winter is just a time to stay cooped up inside and not really do anything. 

    Another big summer advantage is the free time. Simply, during the winter months, we have school, and during the summer months, we do not. It's so nice to wake up every morning to a wonderful 80 degree and sunny day and to go outside and spend time with family and friends, than it is to wake up to a dreaded 30 degree day, in which you have to go to school and then come home and continue to stay cooped up inside the rest of the day. So, while you may have your preference, in my opinion, summer is a much more enjoyable time of the year than winter is. 


  1. Couldn't agree more! I can't wait for summer :) This weekend gave me a little taste of summer and I want more!!!

  2. I love summer and how much time it gives you to hang out with friends and to experience beautiful weather outside. Definitely my favorite season as well.

  3. It's almost here! Can't wait!

  4. I am very excited for summer and the break that comes with it. It is my favorite season because of the variety of options you have when winter is very limited


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