A Thanksgiving Dinner By Jonathan Byrnes

    One day everything was dark, I couldn't see a thing and then the next thing I know I was pulled out into the light. Sadly though, the light didn't last very long because the next thing I knew was that I was now in the box. What is the box? Think of a big black box in some building filled with people just like you. Well, from the rumors passed down and around, you can last a while in the box before you get taken to a new life or well before they kill you because no one wants you. There's also another rumor that's not really popular because of the whole death thing, you know, but some have said that we aren't actually people but a potato. No one really knows what a potato is here, so we just kind of dismissed it but the life and death rumor, well, that's a story for another time. I was brought to the box not too long ago so, this all pretty new to me, and I probably shouldn't be the one explaining these rumors I've only just heard.
    Since I am new here, I get to be at the top of the box where I can be seen by all who pass by. Some recount the days when they got to be at the top but now are at the bottom wasting away. I'm not sure what the difference between the top, middle, and bottom of the box is, but there's some unspoken truth from the elders in the box. I don't know why being at the top is so important but, I guess I'll see, hopefully, sooner than later. It wasn't too long later that I was chosen to be taken out of the box and began to start my new life. As I was leaving, I was told that I wasn't going to be killed because that wasn't for another few days, so I should enjoy this new path. I'm not sure what this new path has in store for me, but I'm hoping for something good.
    I'm going to spare you the details. My journey has been pretty lame so far. I just got moved around a few times before getting placed on a moving black ramp where there was a strange beeping noise. I just ignored it and thought about what my new life could entail for me. Before I knew it, I was being brought into this lovely building that looked cozy. I have a feeling that my life is going to get a whole lot better.
    Inside this unusual building, it felt like a dream come true. Who wouldn't want to be selected to leave the grimy box and go into these buildings? Let me tell you something, this felt like a full spa day, the premium package and all. The hot water did wonders for my skin. I couldn't tell you how good it felt to get rid of all these caked-on germs from the box. This felt like the best day of my life, and I didn't know how it could get any better. I laid back and relaxed as the water dripped off me, as I slowly fell into a deep sleep.
    I awoke to tons of pain. It was like nothing I felt before. I don't know what it was, but it felt like someone was cutting my skin off. My lovely beige skin shouldn't be peeled away, shouldn't be tossed aside like trash.  It may have a few bumps and bruises, it is nothing worth cutting off. This skin is apart of who I am, and without it, I don't know who I am anymore. I thought my day was going to be good but, it's turning out to be pretty awful. Who gives someone a spa day just to torture them by cutting off their skin???
    The temperature is slowly rising, and on my new raw skin, it actually feels pretty good, not gonna lie. I'm not really sure what the rising temperature is for, but maybe it's for me. After what was just done to me, I think I deserve a little something. But who knows, this is probably just another trick to make me feel good before they squash all the joy and happiness right out of me. I know you're probably thinking I'm being a drama queen but let me tell you this.  I bet that you've never been given a spa day before, having someone forcefully cut your skin off. I'm guessing that's a no, but as of now, there are some more pressing matters at hand.  It turns out the rising temperature was coming from a pot of boiling water. I think we can all agree we know what is happening next, so if you would be so kind as to send some help, it'll be greatly appreciated.
    Just so you know, you are the reason for this suffering. I'm over here slowly being tortured for some unknown reason, and you're off having the time of your life and couldn't even bother sending help for me. Do you really want to know the new torture I'm going through? I should tell you and make you suffer from your actions. Well, here it is: I was dropped into the boiling hot water until my skin was soft. Knowing you, you're probably thinking how bad could that be, but just wait for what happens next. My heart and soul have been crushed, literary speaking, and physically. I am no longer whole but now have been smashed into a million little pieces. I was smashed and mashed and slowly ripped apart as if I wasn't alive.  As if I don't have feelings or as if I am nothing to them. I no longer exist as a whole, but I am something now unknown to myself.
    The audacity of these people is outrageous. They weren't satisfied with how I looked smashed, so then they went as far as adding some creamy thing to me so I wouldn't look the way I do. Can you believe them? How rude of them? I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't care because you'd probably do the same thing. I am seriously confused as to what is going on. I'm being scooped on to several flat-looking dishes, and only parts of me are on one of them. They didn't even consider the fact that I'd like to be with the rest of my body, not just mashed parts of it. Now I am being stabbed at and moving through the air. Seriously, what could possibly be happening? If I get hurt, I'm still blaming you for not sending any help. OWWWW! What is this sorcery??? I am being munched on and crushed by these abnormal white stumps. My journey is coming to a close without a happy ending; instead, I got stuck with a painfully miserable life. I'd probably be living a better life if I wasn't chosen and just got tossed out of the box for being too old.
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  1. I like how you gave this potato comical traits. This story gave my the ole chuckle I must say. Well done.


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