The year was 2017 and my family and I were living in a small home in Little Falls, New Jersey. We had grown up in the house together and shared some great memories with grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, and many other loved ones. I was in sixth-grade at the time and I had a few friends who I hung out with and had fun making memories. When summer rolled around, my parents told me that we were looking at a few houses in Sparta. We had always been looking for places to move locally because our house was too small and my parents wanted my brother and I to receive a better high-school education than the one offered in Little Falls. We looked at three houses throughout Sparta and our family decided on one with a large yard, nice amenities, and lots of interior space for everyday life and entertainment. When the decision was made, we listed our old house for sale and within 8 days, it had sold. The best part was that our old house had sold for more value than the new house we were buying even though the new house was double the size. This is due to the location of Little Falls in comparison to New York City and since it is very close to the city, the homes are significantly pricier. When moving day had arrived, suddenly I was shocked.
I never said goodbye to any of my classmates. I never realized all of the fun experiences I had that were unique to my town. I never prepared to move and meet new people and find new hobbies. I just simply wasn't prepared and my brain had temporarily shit down. The fear of the unknown was at its peak in my family. My family had no idea what the new town would be like for my brother and I for school or if the house was perfect for my family. On top of the moving situation, my father had been working for my grandfather in the family restaurant business. When my grandfather had retired, he sold the business to new owners and my father had no clue whether or not he would have to find a new job or if the new owners would keep him working for them. On top of the family income situation with my father's profession, my family had no clue how much longer my other grandfather would survive. He had diabetes type II and had been fighting for many years and he was treated properly but he had many health issues that were life threatening. Sadly, one evening after he had his dialysis treatment, he had passed away in his sleep peacefully. His body couldn't fight any longer. It was a very scary, sad, and stressful time for my family but we worked together and adapted more and more over the months.
Fast forward four years and my family and I are very happy with our living conditions. I met many people and I eventually found my friend group in late seventh-grade who I am still friends with today. My friends accepted me and always were down to have fun. My father kept his job and actually was promoted to General Manager which was great, however, he still works harsh hours every week. The new owners of the restaurant renovated everything and more people are coming in now which is great news after a long year of COVID-19 affecting the restaurant business. I started snowboarding which is the most fun activity anyone can do in the frigid cold in my opinion. I perform well in school and receive very good grades when I try my best. I miss my grandfather a lot and I believe I take after his personality a lot unintentionally. I always make nicknames and jokes with people in order to get along with them and have a strong passion for cars which directly reflects to my grandfather and I believe that is the permanent effect he has left on me which I am thankful for. Overall, the unpredictable events of 2017 turned out very well for my family and I'm very thankful that we are lucky enough to have great experiences in life and a great living situation in Sparta.
(renovated dining area)
I'm sorry about your Grandpa, but happy that you're happy with the move!