The Courtyard - Ella Collins

 One of the things I missed most about not coming to school this year, was not having lunch with all of my friends. Last year, lunch was one of my favorite times of day. Me and all my friends would relax, talk about our days, and have tons of laughs. However, this year we weren't in school and even when we finally got back to school, it ended at 12 so there was no lunch. While I wasn't super excited about going back to full days, I was excited that we were finally going to have lunch again! 

Due to covid, they only allowed sophomores to eat in the gyms or outside. Since it's spring and super nice outside, me and my friends decided to eat outside in the courtyards. Eating in the courtyard is the best and I couldn't be happier that we decided to sit there. All of my friends and I relax, tell funny stories, talk about school, gossip and just enjoy each others company. 

While lunch is for eating, we also do a bunch of other stuff too. Last week, we all made bracelets with our nicknames on them and they are so cute!! We make tik toks with eachother too, this includes usually dancing or lip-sincing to a song. Sometimes, I even catch up on my homework. Lunch is my one of my favorite times a day and I definetley appreciate more now because I haven't been able to eat with my friends everyday for a while. 


  1. THE PHOTO I CANT -- anyway YES lunch in the courtyard is my fav part of the day too

  2. I'm so glad you have this time back!

  3. I LOVE the courtyard lunches!!!


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