It is the 31st of May, making today Memorial Day. This special holiday has multiple meanings but each of them have one thing in common. This day is meant to honor and remember those who gave their lives in the line of duty. This can apply to people in the military, police department, fire fighters, veterans, the list goes on.
Every year Sparta, New Jersey has a Memorial Day Parade. This is a tradition in our town that is meant to honor and celebrate those who gave their lives for our country. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic led to the cancellation of this parade for a second year. Even so, people today gathered around at Memorial Day Ceremony to celebrate.
The ceremony began around twelve at noon in front of the VFW, on 66 Main Street. This term stands for Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. Policeman, Fire Fighters, Veterans, Soldiers, EMTs, and citizens all gathered to celebrate. During the celebration, the Sparta High School Marching Band performed. We played the Star Spangled Banner along with a tune named "Salute to America's Finest." As the ceremony progressed, there were flag raisings and wreaths put up from each of the departments. Towards the end we were presented with a number of inspiring speeches. The ceremony ended with a barbeque out back the VFW. Both hotdogs and hamburgers were being served to anyone in attendance.
Memorial Day is a very important day to remember each year. It recognizes the soldiers and local departments who put themselves in harms way to protect our country. They are the reason we, the people of America, are safe. Take this day to thank those you know for their service to our country. Next year the Memorial Day parade will be in attendance once again.
Link to Marching Band Performance:
A great tradition to honor our soldiers.