Unpopular Opinion: Orange juice > Apple juice

 Unpopular Opinion: Orange juice is better than apple juice

The iconic apple juice versus orange juice debate is usually viewed as almost entirely subjective; after all, comparing apples to oranges is the average person's go-to metaphor for dissimilarity. But for some strange reason, defending one's favorite juice brings out a strange sense of pride and passion in people similar to an alliance to a sports team or hometown. There's obviously an argument to be made for both sides from the perspectives of both taste and nutrition, and my opinion isn't likely to change anybody's minds, but I'm pretty confident I'm on the right team.

One thing that most people don't consider when they're comparing the two drinks is that they aren't too structurally different. Both are have similar calorie counts, considerable vitamin and mineral intakes and a touch of fiber. If you're looking for something healthy, you're probably better off just eating the fruit. However, when it comes to overall nutritional value, orange juice has apple juice beat hands down. OJ is famously known for its hefty vitamin C intake, strengthening the immune system while also protecting against cancer, improving blood pressure, reducing internal inflammation and lowering blood pressure. Depending on the brand, drinking orange juice can also be just as healthy as eating an orange, because it is usually 100% natural and not packed with preservatives, additives and sugar like apple juice.  OJ is also very high in vitamin A which detoxifies the body and is connected to improved eye health. 

Robert Ferguson -- Period 5


  1. A great argument- now you need to take on the pulp vs no pulp argument!

  2. You made a good argument, but I could never pick orange juice over apple juice! HAHAHA


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