Unpopular Opinion: I LOVE sleeping with socks -Ella Collins

    There are two types of people in this world: those who sleep with socks on and those who cringe at the idea of going to bed with socks. I am one of the few people that absolutley love going to bed with socks on. I don't just wear regular socks though, I wear fuzzy socks to go to sleep. I probably own about 20 pairs of fuzzy socks and wear them basically every night. I am not sure why I love them, I just know that I do. I also know that they keep my feet warm and cozy throughout the night, helping me get a good night sleep. During winter or colder months I will also tuck my sweat pants or pajama pants into my socks and it is so comftorable.  
     I did some research on why some people really like sleeping with socks on. My research concluded that, socks actually regulate your body temperature. Wearing socks increases blood flow to your feet, which then makes you loose heat througout your body, and ends up lowering your core temperature which helps you go to sleep faster. As well, heating up your feet sends a trigger, in response to the blood vessles, to the brain that it is time for bed, which also contributes to going to sleep faster. 

    Overall, I love going to bed with socks on and if you aren't already, then you should definetly give it a shot.  



  1. This topic made laugh, but I think you're right! I start with fuzzy socks on and then kick them off!

  2. I've been one of the people that cringe at sleeping with socks on- lol. I might have to try this after reading your writing though!!!!

  3. yes yes yes yes yes. sleeping in socks is elite


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