Is Frank Ocean's album ever coming? By: Chad Wood

    Frank Ocean has a history of taking his time when releasing his album. Channel Orange came out in 2012, and Blonde released four years later. According to Ocean's track record, a new album should be releasing soon; but will it? 

    During an early Sunday morning on August 2nd of 2020, Ryan Breaux (Ocean's brother) and his friend Zeek were on a drive. Their vehicle collided with a tree and was later engulfed in flames. Breaux was only 18. 

    A few months after the death of his brother, Ocean canceled the release of his vinyl that has been available for pre-order since late 2019.  

    Frank Ocean often lives a very private life, and not a lot has been said from the artist, but obviously he is going it. Frank Ocean must be completely devastated and heartbroken by the loss of his only brother. But fans have been speculating, will he ever return to music? Some believe that Frank Ocean might just walk away forever. 

    But Ocean's fans haven't been so happy with his break from the music industry. Frank Ocean fans have been virtually harassing him on twitter, demanding for the release of his album. Many have clapped back at these greedy fans, who aren't respecting Ocean's right to mourn over the loss of his brother. But is it all too much? Is it possible that all of what he is endured will push Ocean away from music? We will just have to wait and see. 


  1. I only know one song by him, White Ferrari and I really like it's unique sound but haven't checked out any of his other music might have to check him out!


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