Balance - Olivia Flanz


    Balance. An equal distribution of weight, value, or even time. The thing that’s supposedly stopping us from falling down the stairs. Whether it’s a balanced diet or emotional stability, balance has always been described as the thing we should be striving for. It gives us a stabilized health and well-being, but is it realistic? 

    The idea is that if something goes wrong and your life is in balance you’ll be fine. Sounds easy in theory, but like most concepts doesn’t work out in reality. 

    If a friend or family member is very sick many would drop everything to focus on them. This includes jobs and school. In this situation, anyone could get stressed causing them to ignore other aspects of their life such as their own health or other relationships. This isn’t an excuse for anyone's behavior, but it’s the reality that it is hard to focus on all aspects of life when everyone has their own priorities. 

    So what should we be trying to achieve instead?

    Nothing is ever going to be perfect. It’s always going to seem as if something is going wrong in our lives. No one can control every aspect of their life. So instead of focusing on what we can’t control, we should focus on what we can.  This can be how we react to situations, our values, and what we prioritize in life. Balance is impossible, but harmonizing our priorities with our responsibilities in life is much more realistic. 


  1. Balance is so important, yet so difficult to achieve.


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