Sodom Suddenly Slipped and Became Mortally Wounded - Sebastian Gomez

Sodom suddenly slipped and became mortally wounded. Why, a gentle touch of the gallant spring breeze knocked down a boulder of Sodom’s weight times three, into a chemical factory filled to the brim with toxic waste which yearned for freedom. Green muck gushed from the jagged metal husk once containing it, into the unknowing residents below burning through trees and houses. Such chaos of epic proportions wreaked havoc on the society below as a smokescreen sprawled upon the bright blue sky. A new ice age hath come upon the Earth as Sodom walks back from the grocery store. Unbeknownst to him, the steps of his apartment have frozen solid which he didn’t come to realize until it was too late.

Sodom suddenly slipped and became mortally wounded. He thought to himself, oh how could this have happened? It seemed like only this morning that spring had greeted me with her bird chirp teasing and rays of cool sunshine. How times have changed for old Sodom, he is likely to die on these very steps. The same steps that claimed the unspoken life of his father and his father’s father. Sodom knew this day would come, anticipating it since he was a youngster. And yet, there was still so much he had yet to accomplish and he felt unready to leave this world behind, especially with no rightful heir. He had a daughter Gamorra who believed this tradition to be preposterous, but so it goes with teens these days. She came running down the stairs and saw her father laying down on the concrete steps. No major signs of distress, just a middle-aged man left to his lonesome looking up toward his sought after destination. 

Gamorra began tugging on her father’s oil-stained sweatpants and demanded that he come up for dinner as the world was likely going to end. Little did she know…

Sodom suddenly slipped and became mortally wounded. He refused to move as well as not meet the soul-piercing amber eyes of his beautiful dark-skinned daughter. She began to rant about how there was nothing wrong with him and allowing himself to go is as absurd as the night is the day. She begged him to stand up and spend his last moments with his children, wife, and kids in a small kitchen of fanfare, joy, music, dancing, and nourishment, not here on the lower level, dying. What Sodom needed to learn, was to let go.

Let go? The thought had never crossed his mind before. Something he had prepared for who knows how long only to bail out at the last minute? But it wasn’t bailing out, Gamorra explained to him. It’s differentiating between what is truly important and what isn’t. 

Sometimes in life, we need to learn to move on from things that may not be so important after all. Even when we fail in life we must learn to flip the page and start anew, learn from our mistakes and consider what goes on around us with an open mind. Many a time I pray for the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to tell the difference. That is important to me.

And so instead of freezing to death alone, Sodom went upstairs and froze to death as a collective with his family, waiting for the next spring breeze to come.


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