My Inspirational Upbringing By: Alexandra Forman

 My Inspiration Upbringing

By: Alexandra Forman

    My entire life I have lived in one place, Sparta, New Jersey. I've grown up in a beautiful town and a nice house, and everyday I am beyond thankful to be raised here. My admiration for this town comes from the fact that I know my parents weren't as lucky as I am to grow up in a place like Sparta. They are both hands down my inspirations in life. I will be forever grateful that they worked so hard to raise me here and give me the life that I have.

    Unfortunately neither of my parents had smooth sailing childhoods. My mom was born in Naples, Italy and moved to New York with her parents and four siblings when she was four. They moved back to Italy a little while later, but it was not long before my moms siblings yearned to be back in America. Her family moved back but consistently moved throughout Brooklyn, resulting in my mom never staying in the same school district until High school. My Grandparents did not have much money, and due to this my mom had to go to a two year community college. This didn't stop her because she went on to work at the headquarters of Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, and Lord & Taylor in Manhattan. My mom worked as the head of the men's department and the director of store planning, getting to travel all over opening up stores. She had the job of her dreams, but quit when I was five so she could spend more time with me. I will always be grateful for this because it has allowed the bond between us to grow so strong over the years. After being a stay at home mom for two years she went on to get her real estate license and has become very successful in the business. 

    My dad also had a rough life growing up with his two older brothers in Brooklyn. His family was very poor and he slept on the pull out couch in his living room for a majority of his childhood. The hard times didn't end here, and my dads mom was sadly diagnosed with cancer when he was twelve. She fought her battle long and hard, and before my dad finished high school he dropped out and joined the army. Unfortunately when he was on leave at nineteen his mom lost her battle to cancer. This was hard on my dads whole family and he went back to the army to finish out his term. As if all this wasn't enough, when my dad got back from the army his relationship with his father was very strained. My Grandpa was with someone new and they chose to not let my dad move back in. With no money, no place to live, and no GED my dad had to move in with his best friend Kevin. Kevin helped pick my dad off his feet. He went on to get his GED and worked as a corrections officer on Rikers Island. Years later he met my mom, they got married, and moved to Sparta. My dad quit his job on the island before moving and began to work for Fedex. He wanted something more to do with his life, and luckily he soon met his future business partner. When I was three they started their own commercial cleaning and fire protection business that has gone on to be very successful to this day. 

    My parents stories are so still motivating to me. My dad didn't go to college, and my mom went to a two year community college, and here they both are more successful than they ever expected to be. I admire their work ethics and how they never gave up. Their stories inspire me to work just as hard, and I hope that when I'm older I can give my kids just as amazing of a life my parents have given me. 



  1. Wow- what great stories of perseverance. You are lucky to have such wonderful role models. Honestly, you should write this story down, get the details and record this history of your parents.

  2. this is awesome alex! i know you are going to be just as successful as your parents if not more!! you rock!


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