The Truth During Quarantine
During class we have spent many weeks reading different resources about finding the truth. For the first book, we were told to choose a book about searching for the truth. The second book we read was Oedipus the King. Both of these sources talked about finding the truth about themselves or their lives. In some ways, what we went through during quarantine is the same as what these people went through in their lives.
For our independent reading book, I read Cinderella Ate My Daughter by Peggy Orenstein. This book focused on searching for the truth because the whole book focused on Peggy's daughter finding out the truth of her life. It took us through the journey of her finding out how she wanted to live her life and what she wanted to accomplish.
In the book we read in class, Oedipus the King the author focused on Oedipus's truth and the truth about his family. Throughout the book, he figures out a lot such as who killed Laius, and that he is adopted. He finds out that his whole life was a lie and his family was not his real family. Oedipus learns a lot about finding the truth and how it can effect you.
You might be wondering why these 2 totally different stories relate to current life and quarantine. Throughout the coronavirus and the challenges it has handed us, the truth has come out in many ways. While in quarantine for many months, people learned the truth about who they really are and how they can handle tough situations. As individuals we all reacted to being in lockdown differently. Everyone's motivations and intentions were different during this time. What you did with this time showed a lot about your character and revealed the truth. We found the real truth about ourselves during this time just like Orenstein's daughter and Oedipus did during their lives.
The truth about our friends and family was also revealed. Whether these people helped you and stayed in touch with you showed how they really felt about you. In Oedipus, he reveals the truth about his family and how true they are to him. Although these situations are VERY different, Oedipus's journey and our own journey are similar when talking about finding the truth.
Interesting comparison.