My true hero- My grandpa

A memory that will always stick out to me is going over to my grandpa's house and telling me stories from when he was younger. He told me about his time growing up in Brooklyn and how he would stand day and night outside the Dodgers stadium waiting for cheap tickets to watch a baseball game. He told me about how his family struggled to get food on their table and how he had to work very young to support them. He also told and taught me how to be a hard worker and appreciate everything I have. 

Unfortunately, he passed away three years ago in November. Not a single day goes by without me thinking about him. Every time I watch a baseball game, my mind goes straight to when he told me the Cleveland Indians offered him a spot on their spring training team as a second baseman. He always used to say, "You usually get sat down they bring you a cup of coffee then they tell you they don't want you no more, I never even got the damn cup!" That quote will forever stick with me; it makes me realize how even if you work so hard at something, there is always someone better than you, and sometimes you must accept it. 

He taught me that I need to start appreciating everything I have and look at the world through my own eyes and not a phone. He hated technology; he told me that he would just come home at night when the street lamps turned off. I always think about that and how crazy it seems that his mother had no way of contacting him throughout the day. 

My grandpa is my forever hero; he taught me how to be a loving and respectful kid. I will forever be grateful for the hours we spent watching Mookie Betts together and doing crosswords in the newspaper. 


  1. Such wonderful memories that you will always have to cherish. Grandpas are pretty special. Please email me because you don't have a name on this.


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