Being Proud VS Being Satisfied-Jake Hand

Many people confuse or don't understand the difference between being proud and being satisfied. I think that both of these have a very different meaning and both can create a very different outcome when they are used in a certain way. I think people should never be satisfied with themselves. I think that when people become satisfied with themselves they no longer have any motivation to work harder or to do more. Also when people become satisfied with a job that was mediocre, that sets their standard much lower. This means that people will realize that you do not work to the best of your ability. Being satisfied limits your skill and creativity because you become satisfied with work that is just enough to get by. On the other hand, when someone is never satisfied with themselves they are always pushing themselves to be better. This would help them become more successful and have an advantage over people with a poor work ethic. Someone who continues to work hard will be able to produce great work for themselves and others. Being proud of yourself is a good thing, it means you pushed yourself to do the best you could. 

Many people find that when they are unable to figure something they usually resort to quitting and being satisfied with themselves. I think that this leads to a mindset that is very difficult to break. It puts the idea in your head that you can get by without trying and I think that whether it be now or later on in life, it won't be enough, and that person won't be able to succeed.


  1. This topic was very creative!

  2. I liked how you tackled a topic not many people understand and you explained it very well.

  3. Good explanation and really liked the topic. Constantly trying to be better is really the only way to become better.


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