The Perfect Halloween Costume during a Pandemic- Maelee Moriarty

    It is no secret that halloween is going to be different this year. With COVID-19, precautions still need to be taken during this fun night for kids. With most kids being in virtual school right now, zoom meetings could be considered "scary". Along with witches and monsters of course. Greg Dietzenbach may have created the most creative costume for halloween night. He calls this costume a zoom interface.

    This costume is set up like a virtual zoom meeting. With 9 slots for participants. These participants include Ada, his daughter transformed into the Invisible Man, the Creature from the Black Lagoon, Wolf Man, Frankenstein, Dracula, Mummy, and Blair Witch. The 8th participant is Ada herself "participating" in the meeting. The last participant is shown very creatively using an iPad with a front-facing camera taped to the back of the foam board. The square says "Next Victim" and shows the onlooker when coming close enough to the costume. There are some other spooky features added into the costume. This includes "replacing 'End Meeting for All' with 'End Life' and 'Share Screen' with 'Share Scream' and of course -- '666 Participants.'"

    According to Greg, him and Ada had a photoshoot to create all the images to put in the participant's slots. They then used photoshop to make them look scarier. This costume is very unique and would not make sense any other year. Making this costume was very fun and a good way for Ada and her dad to spend time together. They were very creative with this costume and will be definitely be scaring people on halloween. 

    Dietzenbach finally exclaimed that "'2020 has been tough, it's nice to know we'll be giving some joy to others (at a safe distance of course).'" 


  1. A good idea to find costumes that incorporate the mask.

  2. Nice and simple. Very commendable


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