The Confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett- Katrina Furgeson

 Just 8 days from what is looking to be the most impactful election of our generation, Amy Coney Barrett replaced Ruth Bader Ginsberg (Peace be upon her) as the 9th Supreme Court Justice. Her conservative views have now pushed the Court to a 6-3 Republican majority. But what does ACB really believe? 

ACB is a devout Catholic, and as for almost every religious person, her religion helps shape her morals. This does mean that she is pro-life, though she has stated she feels Roe v Wade is a settled president, that does not mean she will not chip away at women's rights to bodily autonomy and safe and legal abortion. 

Her specific opinion's on healthcare are still relatively unknown, but with a suit centered around the Affordable Care Act set to be heard on November 10th, we may find out soon enough. 

She has made her opinion known that she would like to limit the number of federal laws that prevent felonies from acquiring firearms. She stated that these types of laws, "support the proposition that the state can take the right to bear arms away from a category of people that it deems dangerous.”

Though she may be uncertain, it appears to be pro-death penalty. 

ACB's views on LGBTQ rights have been scaring advocacy groups since she was appointed to the court of appeals in 2017. She will be tested on these views this week when  Fulton v. City of Philadelphia is argued, which will decide if faith-based child welfare agencies can refuse same-sex couples and others they deem as against their religion. According to Rachel Laser, CEO of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, "She has shown that she would allow claims of religious freedom to be misused to harm women, LGBTQ people, religious minorities and the nonreligious, among many others." She has delivered a series of lectures on Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, the court case that allowed a backer not to make a cake for a gay couple, on behalf of the Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative group with a history of discrimination. The stripping of what may seem like small LGBTQ rights may lead to a domino effect of more and more rights being revoked. 

She has shown herself to an originalist, which means she believes the constitution should be interpreted exactly how it is written. In her senet hearing, she said, "I understand it to have the meaning that it had at the time people ratified it. So that meaning doesn't change over time and it's not up to me to update it or infuse my own policy views into it." Let us not forget that the original constitution that is not up for her to change, allowed slavery and considered black people to be 3/5 a person, and denied women the right to vote. She believes that she should interpret everything exactly as it was written in 1787. 

Even though many disagree with ACB being appointed, what is done has been done, and the country may very well swing completely to the right if there is not a major democrat voter turnout on Tuesday. 


  1. Very informative Kt, I loved this!

  2. I have mixed feelings about all of this!

  3. Amy Coney Barrett's religion shouldn't be a determining factor. Nancy Pelosi made that very clear and she is on the opposite side of the eisle. Barrett is very qualified for a position on the Supreme Court and that is why she received it.


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