Our New Normal
By: Alexandra Forman
A year ago today no one could have predicted what the world would become. "Corona" was just the name of a beer, and masks were only worn by doctors. Now Corona, aka Covid-19, is the name of a contagious virus that took our world by storm. No one took it seriously at first, people still traveled and parties were being thrown. It wasn't until schools were shut down, and those who traveled were getting stuck in other countries because flights were banned to prevent the spread of the virus, that people began to realize how serious this was. Countries went on lock down and streets, airports, malls, movie theaters, and restaurants all became a ghost town.
It is now October 2020, nearing November and the United States alone has almost ten million cases and 229,000 deaths. The quarantine started seven months ago and has yet to be lifted. With everything having to be closed down our economy took a major hit, with many businesses having to go out of business or take out loans. AMC theaters recently made it possible to rent out your own personal theater at certain locations for about $99 so they can bring in some kind of revenue. If this doesn't become popular they have warned investors that they may have to declare bankruptcy in the future.
Masks have become such a huge part of everyone's everyday lives. People are now matching their masks to their clothes, and customizing them to their liking. These days you really aren't allowed inside anywhere without a mask on. Students who had the opportunity to go back to school have to spend their days with a face covering on, getting a few mask breaks throughout the day. Another way masks have taken over is that people have gone from worrying about forgetting their keys or money when going out, to now worrying about forgetting a mask. At any checkout line in a store customers can now browse for masks, candy, and magazines all at the same time. In January, this wouldn't have even been an option. Seeing people with masks on has now become so normal to me that when I watch TV shows and people gather in large groups I often find myself thinking, "why aren't any of them wearing masks? That can't be safe." Then I remember it's a TV show and was filmed long before the Corona virus was even a thing.
It is a strange time for sure! I do like the AMC rental idea though!