After The Second Debate, Who Should You Vote For? By: Stephen Matus


The presidential election is only three days away and the people are eager to cast their votes. At this point, many people have viewed the most recent presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Joe Biden. During this debate, both Trump and Biden made some key points that would have a huge impact on people's choice of vote.

The first and most major topic of the debate surrounded the corona-virus. The question everyone has been asking was, will there be a vaccine released soon? Trump mentioned how he had already taken a vaccine and was on his road to recovery. He then mentions that this vaccine would be ready "in weeks." Biden however criticized Trump over what he considered an unrealistic time stamp. He points out how 220,000 people were dead from this virus and how another 200,000 could be dead by the end of the year. 

Both Trump and Biden give a strong argument, but what really matters is, who is correct? Trump focuses on his opinion that America has now learned since the first wave of the corona-virus and that a solution will be coming. Biden instead of using an opinion, gives flat out numbers to combat Trump, to really show how people are dying. 

The next major topic focused on immigration. Trump was majorly criticized by Biden, who focused on the children being separated from their parents on the Mexican border. He argued that Trump showed no care to the situation. Trump on the other hand explains that he is protecting the US from drug dealers and other dangerous threats that could pass the border. 

When it comes to the fact that children at the Mexican border are separated, it creates tension between two sides. Some say it comes at a cost for protection from foreign threats. Others believe that it doesn't matter and the pure fact of children being separated from their parents is wrong and should be accounted for.

So it all comes down to who we should vote for. After reviewing two major topics of the debate, it really comes down to what kind of leader you want. Trump relies on others, believing that America's citizens have learned and are ready to move forward, even if it seems quick or rash. Biden takes his facts into account and summarizes that things won't be better any time soon and that it's time to change how things run. 


  1. I like how you looked at this from such a technical standpoint

  2. I like your non-bias approach to the debate. This election season is sure to be interesting.


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