Hero's Don't Always Wear Capes


    A lot of people have been talking about hero's lately. Who their hero's are, modern day hero's, what a hero really means. The definition of a hero is, "a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities." This is a pretty good definition of what a hero is. When we think of hero's, this is what most people would think of. However, I think this definition doesn't fully explain what a hero is. 

    Now, obviously, hero's are people who are things like courageous or noble, but more importantly, real hero's don't need to be recognized for their achievements. A real hero doesn't boast or brag and doesn't need acknowledgement for their deeds. They do good simply just to do good. They don't do it for selfish intent so they can be popular or famous. To me, these are the real hero's. The unspoken hero's. Personally, their is just something so incredible about doing something good and not asking for credit. For example, a few months ago my Mom was at a restaurant with some friends getting dinner. They finish eating and the waitress walked up and said that a man had paid for their bill. They asked who it was but the waitress said he had already left before they had the chance to even thank him. This is a hero. An act that is so small and simple, but so humble, wholesome, pure and just downright good.  

    This is what I would say to anyone who feels proud of themselves for a really good deed they did for someone. From personal experience, I know that it feels great when everyone talks about how great you are when you do something good. However, this isn't a good reason to do the good deed. Try doing it quietly, without telling people about it. This is just so much more rewarding in every way and really helps you understand why we do good deeds in the first place. Plus, sometimes the greatest heroic acts are the small quiet ones.  


  1. A great example of someone paying a bill. But this has no name on it - email me.


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